My Village Learning Center Faith Based Options Tutoring Physical Education

Where Homeschoolers Meet to Play, Socialize and Learn





What does My Village do to keep the children safe?


For the property, the doors to the outside remain locked. There is a church office door that has a camera so that the administrator can see and speak to any guests that come to the building. 

We background check every employee of My Village and require only safety courses and a few are CPR certified.

For privacy on our Facebook Parents Page, it is a closed group so that only those parents that currently have students enrolled can see the photos and posts. For privacy in our registration program, parents have the option of hiding their personal information from others that are enrolled. 

For outside time, we have fenced with child resistant handles. We also require classes to have two teachers anytime they are outside.

For child pick-up, we keep parents outside under the breezeway and have them sign out their child. Parents notify us if their child will be picked up by someone other than their normal pick-up person.


What is taught at My Village?


Is My Village a Christian-Based Program?


Yes and no. In order to accommodate families of all faiths, we split up our days of the week that we teach Christian-based classes. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are neutral days and do not include any religious teachings. Wednesdays have a Christian World View included in the classes.  


Does My Village have a Sports Program?


Yes. We have a dedicated Coach who teaches sports skills to each age group. We have a fenced-in area, soccer goals and multiple different types of sporting equipment including large bowling pins, hula-hoops, a volleyball net, jump ropes and much, much more.


What curriculum is used?


We use a variety of sources for our curriculum, including some popular homeschool curriculums. Five in a Row, All About Reading (for individual tutoring), Story of the World (History), Teachers Pay Teachers, and Layers of Learning to name a few.

Umbrella School


What is an Umbrella School?


An umbrella school is one way for parents to comply with the state's truancy laws. Parents register their children with the same paperwork that they would for a brick and mortar private school. Then the umbrella school reports students to the State of Florida who have immunization exemptions on an annual basis.


Do I have to enroll my child in My Village Umbrella School or order for them to attend classes?


No. Any child registered as a homeschooler within their own county (based on address) or any child registered with our umbrella school or any other umbrella school may attend My Village classes.

Other FAQs


Does My Village accept state scholarships.


Although we are not a direct provider of any Florida state scholarships, some of our services may be covered by the Florida Empowerment Scholarship - Unique Abilities Handbook. Click on the Handbook for more information.